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Monday, January 18, 2010

Compassion for Haiti?

I don't think I can keep quiet and not respond to some of the posts I'm reading from Christians who say that God is removing His hand of protection from Haiti or they are sick of Americans helping those from other countries without first helping their own country. In a word, that's scary. I can't believe people would have the audacity to write that for the world to see.  What is wrong with us as a society? I'm sure Jesus is upset with us right now, showing others love who right at this very moment are pulling their own family members from piles of rubble, making makeshift graves because their is not enough room for all of the bodies, covering their nostrils from the stench of death, and standing in the devastation around them in the realization that they have lost everything.  If my salvation is still a work-based salvation, and if Jesus's sacrifice was not enough,that response might be appropriate.  But, His sacrifice was enough and I am working out my salvation with fear and MUCH trembling, in the hopes that God doesn't have the same response for America, the godless nation that has turned its back on who God really is . The ironic thing about this, is that a news article stated Haitians gathered together PRAISING  God for what has happened. Perhaps we can take a lesson from them ,who have "always given a reason for the hope they have"......

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