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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Still Small Voice

Don't you wish God would just tell us what he wanted for our lives?
Don't you wish He just used a megaphone?
Or write it in hieroglyphics on the wall?
Why does He instead choose to use a still, small voice instead?
Does He choose to use the quiet because they don't normally get the attention for being so loud?
Does it take more faith to meander about, clinging onto God to help navigate through the darkness?
Does it take less faith to simply follow a shout?
Which are you following, the shout of the crowd, or the still small voice of the Holy Spirit?


  1. I think, mostly, it's because in order to HEAR a still, small, voice, you have to be close. And to God at least, that's the point.

  2. I recently did a study with a chapter on that. It had a few good points
    1) Sometimes there is so much noise we need to be quiet and God "shouting it" would add to the chaos
    2) It takes an effort on our part to seek what God wants and to dwell in His presence. His will is made know to us by being with him, not necessarily hearing his above the storm.
    3) God can use big obvious things to get our attention but the small voice is more common b/c of his nature and ours. Personal, loving and calm.
