The first thing in Genesis that God says is " not good", is the fact the Holy Spirit. Many times throughout the New Testament, Paul talks about the importance of others, whether in the church body or outside of it). 1 John and Titus are prime examples of the importance of older people "sharpening" the younger generation, and vice versa.
The truth is relative issue is a tricky one. God's word is timeless and God is never changing, yet he calls us " to be like a jew" no matter what that person may be like. The truth is, no matter whether the person believes in the Bible or doesn't, believes in truth or doesn't or believes that God is anything but love or doesn't, one thing is clear.
Matthew 28, which says " Go into all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and surely I am with you until the very end of the age."
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