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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The power or Perspective II

I was looking at my digital camera the other day and reflected on the reason why I hadn't gotten one earlier. I used to have an older film camera that I have had for 4 years.  I kept relying on the fact that it worked well in the past and had served me well to fill my kids' photo albums with pictures from their past. But, something must be wrong on the inside because eventually all the pics that I was developing came out blurry. My perspective was that it had worked well, but eventually became too blurry to serve its purpose.
Isn't that the same thing with us? Don't our perspectives sometimes get blurred and they don't become as reliable if we like? I thin back to times when i have misconstrued situations in my life because I thought I had the right perspective. The other person thought one thing, I thought another, and the truth lied somewhere in between. Until I talked it out with the other person, the truth then shown itself to me. 
As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, are their any perspectives that need to be changed on people or situations so that the truth can show itself to you? 

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