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Monday, February 22, 2010

The Man at the Pool

Why is it that we, as Christians, think that the way to usher in the Kingdom is by condemning the world? Where are the Bible verses that support this? What example in Jesus' life supports this idea? Take John 5, the healing of the man at the pool, for example. Jesus comes to the man who has been a paralytic for over 30 years. He asks if he wants to be well. The man  says "Yes, but I don't have anyone to help me into the pool." He puts his hands over his eyes and heals him. Then, Jesus goes to the Temple, when he wants to get his life right, and then says " Stop sinning, or something worse might happen to you."  Jesus earned the right to speak into his life. He met his need first. Meet the needs of the community first, then speak into their lives. You'll find they will be listening much more intently when you seek nothing except to help them first.

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