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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Update

I must take a moment and praise God today for all He is doing in regards to my writing. I have been faithfully blogging, writing magazine articles and revising book chapters for almost a year now and to see how far I have come is nothing short of miraculous.
I want to give you all an update on how my book saga is taking shape. After much prayer, consideration and revision I have changed many of my chapter titles as well as the actual book title. the book is not called " Finding your place in the story of God" and I have used the overarching theme of the story that God is writing for our lives. I invite the reader to find their place in the story as one of his main characters and challenge them to "edit" their stories to realign themselves with God's will for their lives. I am still weaving the apostle John and his intimate love relationship with Jesus, but it is no longer the main theme of the book.
I am still prepping my book proposal for David C. Cook and am a couple of weeks away from submitting it, as well, as my first three chapters ( I rewrote the introduction and chapter two). I am in the process of submitting it to an editor to start the long revision process.
At the conference, I also pitched my idea (the original "Becoming the disciple whom Jesus loved" ) to a self- publishing company called Winepress Publishing. I received a call from them about a week later and they said, although they do not take every submission sent to them, they loved my idea and would definitely like to work with me on it. I mentioned I thought about changing some things and changing the theme to the story, and the representative said he liked that even better than my original chapter titles. I will send them a copy of my proposal just to make sure they still like the idea.  It is very encouraging to know that all my hard work will be published, I just don't know where yet.  While i wait for a response from David C. Cook, I will continue to revise the rest of my manuscript to get it ready for Winepress.
Please keep me in prayer as I continue to seek the Lord's direction on what he wants to do with this book.
Please continue to help me by following me on this blog if you have not already done so.

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