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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I am thankful for 7

In America, I have the freedom to write this on a blog without fear of people coming into my home and forcing me to defame the name of Christ.
But not everyone has that freedom.
I was reading on yahoo news's website that Christians are being targeted in Bagdad. Militants have stormed churches in Iraq in the past couple of weeks and shot over 68 people. It is depressing to hear these stories and my heart goes out to those who are having to endure this persecution. After reading this story, I bowed my head and said a quick prayer to the Lord for these victims. " Lord, please protect the Christians in Baghdad, and please stop the killing that is going on over there." Then, I thought to myself, "Why would I want to pray for that?"
 For a moment, I must have thought that this life could somehow be better than eternity with God.
I am thankful today not only for the freedom to be able to meet weekly with my brothers and sisters in Christ without fear, but also that when this life is over, I have another, better life to look forward to.

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