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Monday, May 17, 2010

Press On!

When I think of the words “ press on”, I think of making a mark on something, like the thing that has been imprinted has now make a mark on something else. In fact, Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “ press” as “an apparatus or machine by which a substance is cut or shaped, an impression of a body is taken, a material is compressed, pressure is applied to a body, liquid is expressed, or a cutting tool is fed into the work by pressure b : a building containing presses or a business using presses 
3 : closet, cupboard4 a : an action of pressing or pushing : pressure b : an aggressive pressuring defense employed in basketball often over the entire court area 
5 : the properly smoothed and creased condition of a freshly pressed garment   I really liked this definition because it most accurately  portrays the Christian life. Nothing worse having is easily had, and that includes Christ like character.  In this definition, the person is cut, molded, shaped, squeezed, etc. into the desired result. It doesn’t sound easy, and anyone walking with the Lord knows it is far from easy to attain Christ like character without  pressure. This includes pressure from society, the Enemy, family, etc. Paul wants to continue on in our walk with Christ in spite of the pressing we feel from those around us , and some of that pressure will include the temptation to not forget what is behind. So, how do we do this? What does this look like for us today?
Tomorrow I will put a slightly different spin on the idea of what it means to press on.

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