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Friday, May 7, 2010

Jesus is a gentleman

When I first got my new job at the day care, I was informed by my coworkers that one of the parents is an atheist. They made it very clear that they did not want God mentioned anywhere, not in language, projects, etc. The YMCA handbook clearly states that I am allowed to express my religious preferences, as long as people are aware that they may not be the beliefs of the whole YMCA.  So, if my make a decision to express myself freely in the classroom is not only fair, but justified, right? But, the question is: Should I? 
Jesus was a gentleman. The Holy Spirit never forces himself on anyone, but draws those who are seeking Him first. 
We have rights to do or say what we believe, but should we always express them? 
You have to earn your right to speak into someone's life. How can someone who has taken no interest in your life previously, or done nothing to encourage you prior to that, then expect that person is going to listen to you when you speak the truth in love? 
Jesus is a gentleman.  Sometimes the best way to display Christ is to be the same. 

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