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Monday, August 16, 2010

If You are Going to Run a Marathon, You have to Put on the Shoes

Good shoes. Lots of water. A comfortable outfit. These are just a few of things that are absolutely necessary to run a marathon. In fact, without them, you probably wouldn't get very far. So, then, why do we as Christians expect to "run the race marked out for us" without the proper tools? When is the last time you read the bible thinking it would prepare you for the days or months ahead, instead of reading it merely because you think you have to? When is the last time you prayed to find out what God's plan was for your life, instead of praying because it's the right thing to do?
In the same way, if we want to run a marathon, we need the proper gear. We also need the proper preparation to prepare for the trials ahead in order to "run the race with perseverance".
Are you prepared to run the race marked out for you?

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. We need to be prepared and not just expect life to go our way b/c we are fighting on the right team. We need to stop being "lazy christians" and start tapping into the power that runs our lives! Thanks 4 the reminder
