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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Salt and Light

I have been reflecting on the verse "salt and light" in the wake of the Jennifer Knapp
"scandal" plastered all over the news right now.  The pastor that wrote about her in his blog, talked about being called to be salt and light into her and others' lives.  I'm not sure how I feel about how he is using that verse. I have been taught that it means to turn darkness into light, but I  have been wondering, isn't salt supposed to enhance the flavor of what is already present? The salt is not called to turn the steak into chicken, but rather make the steak more flavorful, to bring out the best in it. So, in the case of Jennifer Knapp, how is he bringing out the best in her? In the same way,  light is illuminating what is already darkened, not changing the environment that it is brightening up. So, when we are called in Matthew to be salt and light, I think it means to bring out the best in others around you.
How are you being salt and light to those around you?

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